Sajanak Eucalyptus Watusi

Sajanak Eucalyptus Watusi "Ayla"


Alya has grown into a lovely Ridgeback. She is very loyal and obedient and attentive to everything that is happening around our place. She loves to spend time with us and follows us around the yard. We have stopped showing her as she is too enthusiastic and jumps around the ring rather than trotting nicely and looking pretty for the judge. We will try again when she gets a bit older and calms down.

Critique from Judge: Mrs Sue Cameron-Codognotto (VIC) from the 2022 Rhodesian Ridgeback Championship Show - Opposite Class (Baby Puppy) in Show

15 week old baby puppy bitch of beautiful breed type - she is elegant but with the necessary strength our standard demands. Beautiful breed typical head, with good ear-set, planes and gorgeous dark eye. Well balanced fore and after with balanced boned leading into good feet. Good depth of chest, prosternum, fill and top-line, this puppy is well constructed. Very clean on the move with good reach and drive highlighting that effortless gait. She is a very promising baby whose future should be bright if she continues to develop well. 

Ayla - Show Results

Opposite Class in Show

Best Of Breed

R/Up Best Of Breed

Challenge Bitch

Multiple Times Awarded

Ayla - Health Results







