Best Dog Food
Which Dog Food Is The Best
We have feed our dogs the same dry dog food for the last 6 years (Advance and Royal Canin), we have not had any issues, and our dogs are all very healthy. But we also try to keep up to date, so we use other brands and look for any improvements. We feed a stable diet of dry dog food, morning and night. We give them dog bones a couple times a week, chicken frames/necks as a weekend treat, and they get our vege leftovers. We are careful to remove any foods that are not recommended for a dog.
We do not have a singular “top food” that we recommend, and you may not like our answer, "do your own research"
We recommended that you do your own research, especially if you feed your pet the same product continuously. We have found the views and comments for the below web site informative in deciding on dog foods -
When it comes to the best dog food in Australia, we believe there is no best, no perfect, dog food. It totally depends on your situation, number of pets, where you live, shop, cost, etc. No pet food is perfect, and care and consideration should be taken when feeding your Ridgeback.